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The EvangelicalLutheranChurch in Thailand
"Love your neighbour as yourself"

AIDS SupportCenter
- Focuses on the problems of people living with HIV/AIDS. The number of cases is increasing, with an alarming number of people developing the symptoms and illnesses associated with HIV/AIDS.
- The AIDS Support center is a project which tries to build understanding among people living with HIV/AIDS, their relatives, and other people. The project arranges seminars and trains volunteers to give counseling, help, and visit people living with HIV/AIDS.

1. To prevent the spearing of the HIV-virus.
2. To build understanding towards people infected with HIV and give information to the members in the congregations, departments, different projects of the church and any individuals interested in the issue.
3. To support HIV-infected people enabling them to live their daily lives in their homes and society as normally as possible.

The target group
1. The congregation members and co-workers of the ELCT; clients of different projects of the church.
2. HIV-infected people living in communities near congregations.

1. Arrange seminars, support and encourage people in the target group to get involved in helping people infected with HIV.
2. Give counseling and do home visits accompanied by congregation members and volunteers.
3. Co-operate and work together with the government agencies and private organizations in helping people living with HIV/AIDS.
4. Provide funds to help people living with HIV/AIDS.

Target area
- Bangkok

Kävin juuri syömässä ystävän kanssa. Hän oli palannut Thaimaasta lomaltaan. Tuliaisena hän toi Thaimaan evankelisluterilaisen kirkon päätoimistolta kirkon uuden AIDS-esitteen. Esitteen kannessa kaksi sydäntä tanssii käsi kädessä iloisesti hymyillen. Thaimaalainen kuva lähimmäisenrakkaudesta.

Sain kauniin tervehdyksen Marikilta. Kiitos. Haluan sen lähettää nyt Thaimaahan kaikille Thaimaan evankelisluterilaisen kirkon AIDS-työtä tekeville työntekijöille ja vapaaehtoisille.
